• 20 апреля 2018, пятница
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A step-by-step guide to becoming a teacherpreneur

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2192 дня назад
с 0:00 20 апреля до 0:00 27 мая 2018

A 5-week project-based online course in developing teacherprenerial mindset: how to capitalize your ELT knowledge and expertise and increase your income. We will cover such topics as generating ideas, making action plans, overcoming fears, checking your hypothesis, project budgeting, product development and MPV paradigm, assessing risks and some other teacherpreneurship-related themes. There will be a live webinar once a week, with handouts and written assignments, forums, readings, videos and reflective activities. Suggested homework assignments will be related to developing your own project and fulfilling it in practice. At the end of the course all participants will present their projects and get the feedback from other participants.


WHO is this course FOR?

•          Do you want to find some ideas to do something apart from teaching English?

•          Do you want to earn more and capitalize your ELT knowledge?

•          Do you feel afraid to start or promote your ideas in ELT?

•          Do you feel ready to work hard and change something in your teaching career?

•          Do you have growth mindset and boldness to change the future of education and create new formats and approaches in education and ELT in general

If you have answered Yes to some of these questions, then this course is for you!


What will you do:

  1. Connect with 30-35 like-minded ELT teachers from different countries aiming at becoming teacherpreneurs 
  2. Learn new skills and implement them immediately to increase your income
  3. Learn by analyzing teacherpreneurial cases and practices 
  4. Develop ideas and projects and get feedback on your ideas

What is included:

  • 5 live webinars (every Sunday at 7.30pm (Moscow time)= 5.30 pm (BST)
  • Recordings of 5 webinars
  • Detailed action plans for each week
  • Homework assignments
  • 5 study cases with reflection and analysis
  • Bibliography and further readings
  • Access to a secret group on facebook where we will further discuss all course/ teacherpreneurship-related topics and share our success stories, fears, and get support from each other 

Course Program

Week 1  Dream big-how to unleash your inner potential and uncover your inner WHY (audit of personal strengths, recourses, assumptions and potential and finding/ developing your own idea to become a teacherpreneur)

Week 2  Design the right product-how to develop the right product for your audience (product development cycle and developing your own product)

Week 3 Market it right — how to find your target audience, find communication channels and promote your product (A-Z of marketing)

Week 4 Just do it — how to execute what you have planned (a guide to performance management and making your ideas work)

Week 5 — Tell me your story (volunteering presentation of projects, Q&As session and sharing success stories after the course)

All the sessions will include:

- instructional input of theory on entrepreneurship and teacherpreneurship, videos, and readings from online sources

- solving some practical cases

- a bibliography for further reading

- reflection and discussions in the forums (3 compulsory questions each week)

- home assignments and feedback for those who’ve bought tickets with feedback

Recommended time allocated for the course -2-2.5 hours a week

Language — English

If you have any more questions left, contact me by email — teflteacherpreneur@gmail.com

PS If you still don’t know whether or not it’s worth taking part in the course, check my talks on this topics


1. IATEFL Glasgow talk — How to become a teacherpreneur iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2017/sess... (30min)

2. Macmillan open webinar — Why not become a teacherpreneur? - www.macmillan.ru/events/detail.php?... (1h 15 min)


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