• 26 ноября 2017, воскресенье
  • Онлайн

How to become a teacherpreneur

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2344 дня назад
с 18:00 26 ноября до 23:30 3 декабря 2017

This is a recording of the webinar for languauge teachers who want to become teacherpreneurs, i.e. teachers with an entrepreneurial mindset who want to make a difference for themselves and people around. We will discuss - How to generate ideas for your teacherpreneurial projects - How to choose your audience - How to create a product for this audience - How to promote your product You will get - Some ideas and inspiration for your own project - Checklists for creating your product - New contacts of like-minded teachers who aspire to become teacherpreneurs

The world is changing fast and it is becoming more global, so many opportunities and threats arise. Everybody has to look around and see what’s happening now and where the world is going. That’s why it’s important to observe and follow trends in different domains in our lives and react to the changes around. Futurology, change management, entrepreneurship are not only buzz words anymore, they can be a way to more opportunities for your career.

Teacherpreneurship is a mindset and philosophy towards your career, work and life in general. It’s about teachers who want to make a difference and are striving to innovations and creativity in their classroom and outside.  Nowadays you may be more than just a teacher, you may become a material designer, a blogger, a policy maker, a professional speaker, an educational consultant and so on who want to dissimilate their knowledge, change students’ mindset or even the system of education.


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